I’m Raquel Acosta, owner of Glaze Me Pretty, a self-taught ceramicist making pottery from my garden studio in Carshalton, South West London (United Kingdom). As a one-woman business, I wear all the hats, from making pots to packing orders and anything in between.
I find joy in making simple everyday objects beautiful.
A mug that you look at before taking a sip, in the middle of a stressful day.
A bowl that you pick up from the cupboard and stare at, discovering a little detail you hadn’t seen before.
I chose Glaze Me Pretty as my brand name when I was just learning how to make pots. Back then I didn’t know anything about glazes but found them fascinating. When I learned that glazes form crystals while molten in the same way as rocks and minerals form beneath the earth’s surface, I knew this is what I wanted to make.
I develop each glaze over months in search of a quality that makes it unique.
It could be glazes with crystals formed by molecules bonding on a beautiful pattern, crystals that will be different on each piece. Or glazes that create patterns of multiple colours, these patterns as well slightly different every time. -
Happiness for me is surrounding yourself with things that make you smile :)
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